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Prognosis From Semalt: The Future Of Built-In SEO

Search engine optimization can be quite demanding, especially if you are a newcomer. This is why many content management systems such as WordPress are stepping up to offer users automated SEO. This allows amateur users to optimize their websites for search engines at least to a given level.

The main aim of built-in SEO is to automatically help you create a website that can be seen and favored by a search engine. However, these built-in solutions are not the total package for a variety of reasons. The biggest limitation attributed to built-in SEO is poor customizability. Most of these tools are out of the box options that do not offer sufficient flexibility to cater for businesses within different industries.

In addition, most of these automated solutions lack any sort of follow up. As thus, they cannot help you evaluate your performance and will not advise you on how you can drive for better results. Essentially, they are just tools and so they do not know what your goals are. This, however, can be advanced.

The Senior Sales Manager of Semalt Digital Services, Ryan Johnson, describes some of the ways how built-in SEO may change in the near future.

1. Integrated research methods.

Starting off, it is likely that we will see better integrations for research and strategy. This may involve tools developing their own suggestions on the strategic direction. This can be based on a user questionnaire, which will help users figure out their goals and make recommendations based on these goals.

2. Real-time content quality analysis.

With the improvement in automated tools, the content analysis has to get better. In future, we can probably expect built-in tools that mimic the kind of content analysis used by Google. This, however, will take a lot of work from advanced programmers.

3. Comparison to other sites.

At the moment, most built-in tools focus exclusively on your own site. SEO, however, is a very competitive field. Therefore, in the future we can expect more competitive analysis platforms and functions emerging.

4. Real-time position reporting.

Your current automated solution may be able to report on whether your website is optimized correctly. However, it definitely cannot tell you where it ranks at the moment as compared to a few weeks before then. The next generation of built-in solutions may have real-time position reporting as a new feature.

5. Fundamentals training.

Regardless of how advanced built-in solutions become, your knowledge and input is still going to be essential. As a result, the next generation of built in tools will probably offer website builders with step-by-step training aimed at bringing amateurs up to speed on how SEO works and what they can accomplish with this strategy.

Though there are a number of hurdles that built-in SEO has to overcome, it has come a long way since its initiation. It also remains one of the best online marketing tools available. This is a strategy that is capable of exponential growth, and so the sooner you can get yourself involved, the better. Don't wait for these developments to occur.